Sublime Bola Massage

Sublime Bola Massage

Access to the Deep Nature spa located in a Center Parcs is subject to conditions: for the Villages Nature Paris and Landes de Gascogne domains, you must pay a domain access fee. For other Center Parcs resorts in France, you must pay a one-day park entrance fee for treatments costing less than €95. Conditions not applicable if you are staying at one of the Center Parcs domains.
Cinq Mondes offers pregnant women a brand new, unique experience to help them let it all go, specially designed for pregnancy. This Treatment Ritual is inspired by ancestral Polynesian traditions and the knowledge of women of the world who have long helped other women give birth using their hands.

Body massages are not available in your spa before the 3rd month of pregnancy. You can book a facial massage of your choice. From the 4th month of pregnancy, we invite you to contact the spa directly to book the treatment that is best suited to you according to the month of pregnancy.

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Type de soins Body treatment